Thank you to everyone who joined us on April 11th, 2023 for our Minnesota Spring Parkinson's Symposium!
If you missed our event or want to watch it again, you can watch and catch up on the newest in Parkinson's Disease here!
Our 2023 program highlighted the following:
Movement Matters: How and Why to Keep Exercising
Across All Stages of Parkinson’s Disease
Beth Wittry, PT, DPT | Courage Kenny Rehabilitation Institute
Bridges and barriers to maintaining and improving posture, balance and walking in people with PD
Colum MacKinnon, Ph.D | Udall Center at the University of Minnesota
Gotta Go! Incontinence & Constipation with PD
Martha Nance, MD | Struthers Parkinson’s Center
Panel Discussion: Stories and experiences from people living with PD
Facilitated by Susan Vold, BSN, RN, PHN, BA, CNRN, HNB-BC | MHealth Fairview
You can also check out the slide presentation below.
Thank you to all of our speakers and everyone who made this program possible! See you next year!