Did you miss our virtual event on April 16th, 2021 or want to watch it again?
You can watch and catch up on the newest in Parkinson's Disease below!
April 16th, 2021
Speaker Line-up:
Parkinson's Disease 2021
Dr. Paul Tuite, University of Minnesota Medical Center, Udall Center
Dr. Paul Tuite, University of Minnesota Medical Center, Udall Center
Driving with Parkinson's: Staying in the Driver Seat to Handing over the Keys
Kathy Woods, Courage Kenny Rehabilitation Institute
Kathy Woods, Courage Kenny Rehabilitation Institute
PD GENEration: Mapping the Future of Parkinson's Disease
Dr. Niccolo Mencacci, Northwestern University, Parkinson's Foundation Movement Disorder Fellow
Dare to Dream: Sleep and Parkinson Disease
Dr. Eleanor Orehek, Noran Neurological Clinic, APDA Minnesota Medical Director
Learning to PERSEVERE: Developing a caregiver peer mentoring program in Parkinson's Disease and Lewy Body Dementia
Dr. Jori Fleisher, Rush University Medical Center
Dr. Jori Fleisher, Rush University Medical Center
Digital Technology: Advances in Parkinson's Disease Research and Care
Dr. Ruth Schneider,University of Rocherster Medical Center, Udall Center
If you have any questions, please reach out to [email protected]
See you next year!